2025, jan 28 tues / 14:36
been having thoughts around tabling but i've completely fell off printmaking. i have some really shit lino blocks and that's what i think threw me off loll. i hope to carve out some dogs i'm happy with and maybe slap those on some shirts. i got a tub of black fabric speedball on clearance the other week heheh.
i've been meaning to leave the house 2day but it doesn't look like it's happeninp.. L....
2025, jan 22 wed / 22:50
i have a great headache but i've started reading getting medieval by carolyn dinshaw after
seeing it somewhere on a tumblr blog dedicated to medieval monk and knight relations lol. i've been writing down stuff i want to inject and smear into my sulci and this is what i've got so far
"Pleasure may be afforded by a break with the past, a rupture of historical identity, as well as by a touching across time, for example; the loss of the past might carry an erotic charge."
Fits of nausea, dizziness, oppression do not come only from the seasons, from the weather; it is the very horror of narrated history which provokes them: Michelet has ‘historical’ migraines… September 1792, the beginnigns of the Convention, the Terror, so many immediate diseases, concrete as toothaches.”
i often want to fall into things and read and write about them until my body revolts
replaced blood ritual, enzo escober with this current read, but i highly recommend that article. one of my favs.
2025, jan 20 mon / 13:45
back home to my parents and i can't help but appreicate their style as i get older. it's been earth tones, house plants and clay pots thru out... a green wall kitchen, warm brown wooden floors. a fireplace we never used lol. recently my uncle passed. i inherited his speaker system and some african statues and masks. i was worried that his +1,000 photos of our family, back when they were in south carolina, was displaced. but! great news, i'm next in line to have it. the acquistion thru death is a complicated feeling for me, but i know this is how i can still have the memory of someone.
2025, jan 17 fri / 11:51
despite hay fever & hard breathing i managed to make homepage managable to look at on laptop screens, i'm just not happy w/ needing laptop users to scroll out to get the centered div... now it's scrollbars on this page that i'm not happy with. i hope they're not too in the way, but the flow of it is uhh unpleasant... but u live u learn.
got a new idea for another book despite constant pain of living in a body trying to cave in onto itself. despite despite despite, etc etc... speleology and topology save me
lol ^ NOW it's done. ((((:
2025, jan 14 thurs / 11:58
found out about sony ers-110 dog. serious stuff
^^^^^^^^^^^ !!! !!
2025, jan 10 fri / 19:57
i was hoping to get this website linked to my decrepit socials but i'm 95% there!! i regret removing the sidebar and scrolling header from some pages... but there's no way i'm going thru the pain of reinstating that even tho it's just a bit of copy and paste.
ANYWAYS. poetry collection should be together soon, it's the last piece to tie everything together and send this shit out. currently i have two, "cowboy tectonic" and "air in the eyes, hills forever", both titles i've read at elliot bay books :3 i've been thinking about getting into printing and tabling at events. i've fell off from poetry for reasons that lack cohesion, but i hope to get back into sharing writing somehow. perhaps that's why there's this site. who knows.
my overall inspiration has been sharply waning and i'm finding, for better, reading to fill in my time when i'm not feverishly writing down notes that won't be used in the next 3 months i touch the project.
also bought an oxford annotated bible and shipped it to the wrong address. also need to pick up perceval from my parent's yayy!! yayyy!!!!!!
2025, jan 9 thurs / 10:58
this has taken a ridiculous amount of time getting together but i hope to keep consistent and build an online community ((: if anyone is interested in making their own website, the craft eases the more u stare and troubleshoot code for hours, yayy